Thomas Nykamp, DDS
A Family Dentist Practice including General, Cosmetic, and Restorative Dentistry
Contact Us
Contacting Us
We prefer that you contact us by telephone 616-452-5721.
During business hours, if we can not pickup the phone when you call, it is likely because we are busy with patients.
Please leave a voice mail message – we will call you back as soon as we can during normal business hours. Depending on what time you leave your voice mail message, it may sometime be shortly after the start of the next business day.
Contact Us Forms
You can always use one of the Contact Us Forms below to send a message, ask questions or updates/changes to your contact information. We will try to respond promptly to your electronic message before the end of the business day, but certainly no longer than the next business day.
If you want to become, or are planning on becoming a new patient, you may want to take a look at out New Patient Information or New patient Q & A pages. If you don’t find what you need there, call or sent us a note.
Google Business Review
Please provide us with your Google Review of our Dental Practice. We greatly appreciate having you being one of our patients.
We also appreciate you telling your friends about us.